Darren, et al --

...and then darren chamberlain said...
% * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-29 16:11]:
% > > Sounds like he needs some kind of http-based proxy, unless the
% > > firewall is dumb enough to let non-http things through port 80, in
% > > which case I'd recommend ssh.
% > 
% > Quick -- someone write a perl script that will interface between a
% > local ssh session's filehandles and an incoming ssh stream!
% ssh already has it -- port-forwarding.  Here's a quick example:
% $HOME/.promailrc contains:
% :0
% * ^Subject.*SSH.*
% | $HOME/start_forwarding

Heh.  I've done something like this in the past to leave myself a way
to run scripts after I left in case I forgot anything...  Quite helpful.

% $HOME/start_forwarding contains:
%   #!/bin/sh
%   /usr/local/bin/ssh -x -f -n -R 2112:localhost:22 my.outside.host 'sleep 86400'
% Now, sending mail with 'SSH' in the subject will create a tunnel from
% port 2112 on my.outside.host to port 22 on the inside host, assuming
% that the machine on the inside can make outgoing ssh connections (which
% is almost always the case).

You mean to any port?  Perhaps...  In Marco's case, though, I think he
said that web traffic is all that's allowed.  Meanwhile, this ties up
that port, so doing it on port 80 (or the cleverly-noted port 443, if you
need ssl capability) is rather rude to your web server...

% How's that?  No perl required!


% (darren)
% -- 
% If we can't be free at least we can be cheap.

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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