* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-29 16:11]:
> > Sounds like he needs some kind of http-based proxy, unless the
> > firewall is dumb enough to let non-http things through port 80, in
> > which case I'd recommend ssh.
> Quick -- someone write a perl script that will interface between a
> local ssh session's filehandles and an incoming ssh stream!

ssh already has it -- port-forwarding.  Here's a quick example:

$HOME/.promailrc contains:

* ^Subject.*SSH.*
| $HOME/start_forwarding

$HOME/start_forwarding contains:

  /usr/local/bin/ssh -x -f -n -R 2112:localhost:22 my.outside.host 'sleep 86400'

Now, sending mail with 'SSH' in the subject will create a tunnel from
port 2112 on my.outside.host to port 22 on the inside host, assuming
that the machine on the inside can make outgoing ssh connections (which
is almost always the case).

How's that?  No perl required!


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