* Knute ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 28. 2002 16:26]:


> The name is mutt.ncurses, and I didn't have do dl anything extra to
> have it on here. Don't actually know where it came from to be honest
> with you. I do have both slang and ncurses on my machine. And I am
> using unstable as well. And I'm using the same package version as
> well, I am also using the urf8 one as well. (Don't quite know the diff
> atm, but it's there.)

> When I do a dpkg -S mutt.ncurses it was the mutt-utf8 package that
> created it. Since that is the one that is linked to slang.

OK, here's what I get:

(~)% dpkg -S mutt.ncurses
dpkg: *mutt.ncurses* not found.

(~)% dpkg -l mutt | egrep ii
ii  mutt           1.3.27-1       Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG,

Maybe what you decribe is done when one installs both packages (mutt and
mutt-utf8) on the same machine. 

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