[18.01.02 14:34 -0500] Mike Schiraldi <-- :
> Attached is a version of the S/MIME patch that will work with
> mutt-1.3.26. (Or at least it appears to work -- let me know if you have any
> problems)

Yes, I have dam.. fu... problems with it !!!!!!!

Did you ever hear that you do not post thousands of lines for
patches ??? What the hell do you think URLs are for ???

And do you really expect me to apply a patch from someone who
is already violating the simplest rules - god knows what is
coming up with the patch then ... - except the extra costs for
my bill (no, not everyone has a backbone downstairs).

Sorry all, but after those 2 digests I am really more than
angry about people who do not care about anything than
themselves and think polluting the net is normal behaviour.
;)))))) <-- for all of you others. Erika

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