On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Mike Schiraldi wrote: > > I know nothing about Ncurses, not even how to see it's version, but > > tried to link with it: The indicator seems to react well. It takes the > > reversed colors the current index line should be. But, for an unrelated > > to your patch reason, the color scheme of all the screen is messed up: > > in foreground what should be white appears black, red appears cyan, > > yellow is green, and blue is magenta...
> I have the same problems with slang, regardless of whether the indicator > patch is applied. Is there a fix for this, or is it a limitation of slang? I'm currently using debian, so I don't know about other distros. What I've found is that with debian, there is mutt (linked with slang), and mutt.curses (linked with ncurses). As I use kbd shortcuts anyway, I simply set up a shortcut to mutt.curses and it took care of the problems that I was having with the color. And setting up an alias named mutt to point to /usr/bin/mutt.curses isn't to hard either. 8o) Knute
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