Volker Moell wrote:
> The most perfect way in my eyes is a $always-check-traditional-pgp
> variable.

sure. but according to the many previous discussions of this, there have
been problems with getting this to work.  so when you send a patch to
the mutt-dev list that works, i'm sure they'll be very happy to
integrate it into mutt.
> Personally I don't like it to modify my mails (e.g. with procmail).
> In the worst case the mails become corrupted and no more readable at
> all.  Apart from this I see no reason for modifying, the MUA can
> handle it.
the procmail recipe seems to work fine, and if you hit <esc>e to edit
the raw message, you'll see that the message hasn't been modified, and
it's still in 'traditional' form; it just has had the appropriate mime
type added to the headers up top.  if a message were to get messed up
this way, you could almost definitely (and easily) "fix" it.

but if you're really paranoid, have procmail copy the message to another
folder before you do anything.

obviously this isn't the best solution, but until someone comes up with
a way to do this automatically in mutt, it seems to work fine.

> > % Please don't write: There is no patch for this, write one. I don't have

> > Of course I wonldn't write that; I'd use a semicolon instead of a
> > comma ;-)
> Ok, in *this* case... :-)
write a patch! i am not a programmer; thus i will use the procmail
solution until there's a better one.


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