Will, et al --

...and then Will Yardley said...
% David T-G wrote:
% > 
% > Sure.  One could say the same thing about just about any header.
% > Maybe I'd want to use the References: header for notes about where I
% > did my research on this particular email.  Then there's always the
% > Message-ID: games you can play, too.
% the difference being that these headers have specific functions,
% described in RFCs UNLIKE X-headers, which are intentionally left for
% people / machines to use for their own purposes.

Agreed.  And the X-Label: header is something of a special case, since
mutt recognizes it and does stuff with it.

% > doesn't it make sense to stay away from X-Label: or any other header
% > that mutt recognizes by default?
% well for a long time, this was only the case if mutt was patched, and

For a long time mutt didn't do lots of things.  It does now.  What's the

% it's not in the default $index_format string.

Neither are lots of expandos :-)

% i suppose you could make a case for mutt 'recognizing' this by default,
% but i don't think it's really fair to criticize anyone else's use of
% this field (whereas if someone were adding notes to the 'References'
% section, you'd rightly have reason to complain when it broke threading
% in your email client).

Where was the criticism?  I respectfully suggested that he pick something
unique instead of overloading another function; what's wrong with that.

% why not simply strip incoming 'X-Label' headers with procmail; this way
% no one will interfere with your use of this header?

I certainly could do that -- and if he were already using X-Label: and I
decided that it would be a cool way to take some notes then I probably

% w


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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