On Sun, Jan 20, 2002 at 02:10:09AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
| Andreas --
| ...and then Andreas Herceg said...
| % 
| % Hello,
| Hi!
| % in my .muttrc I have included the lines
| % 
| % my_hdr Bcc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| % my_hdr X-Label: coprija
| % 
| % I wanted to achieve that outgoing messages are sent to my alternate
| % address which I use at work. There I use the X-Label entry to filter the
| % mails with procmail and move them to a seperate folder.
| Gaack!  That means that every mail from you has a populated X-Label:
| field (in this case it was "asdf"; I was sure confused about *that*),
| which messes *me* up!

Well, I am sorry about that. This was going to be a test, later I forgot
to remove it.

| % This works fine as long as I do not edit the headers manually. After
| % that the second entry is gone, the Bcc-line still is there.
| I have used my_hdr to create headers and then I see them in the headers in
| the message as I edit it, so I don't have much input here.  However, ...

| ... the problem may be related to it being a "mutt-known" header.

Well, Bcc: should also be a "mutt-known" header but does not disappear.
Or do you define "mutt-known" in a very special way?


Andreas Herceg

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