Magnus -- ...and then Magnus Bodin said... % % On Sun, Jan 20, 2002 at 02:10:09AM -0500, David T-G wrote: % > > % > > I wanted to achieve that outgoing messages are sent to my alternate % > > address which I use at work. There I use the X-Label entry to filter % > > the mails with procmail and move them to a seperate folder. % > % > Gaack! That means that every mail from you has a populated X-Label: % > field (in this case it was "asdf"; I was sure confused about *that*), % > which messes *me* up! % > % > May I respectfully suggest that you define your own header and leave me % > out of it? % % Tell me, how do you make use of the X-Label in Mutt? It sounds like you % have some scheme for editinig and filing your mail according to these
No, I just use the label to keep notes for myself. When I see something interesting, I set the label accordingly (URL, config, cool hack, contrib, ...) to explain why I've left this message in the folder (most often mutt-users, in fact :-) Then my index_format looks like set index_format="%4C %Z%?y?@& ? %{%b %d} %-15.15L %?M?>#%03M<&(%4l)? %s"' so that I get a '@' char between the status flags and date on a message that has a label defined, like 8996 + Jan 20 Magnus Bodin ( 21) `> 8997 N + Jan 20 Magnus Bodin ( 26) `> 8998 s-@ Jan 19 Michael Wagner ( 51) ?>Re: mailinglist-prefix in index_f 8999 r - Jan 19 parv >#002< Re: how to keep threads collapsed, (yeah, I need to catch up on my mutt-users mail). Hmmm... I should see what else you wrote, too :-) I don't have the X-Label: header weeded out, so I see it when I open the email, and I can of course search or limit on it as well. I use David Champion's xlabel extensions, too. See his web page or my patch cocktail page for the patch. % labels? Like in Eudora? I dunno from how Eudora does it, though. % % /magnus - curious HTH & HAND % % -- % :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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