[05.01.02 13:44 -0600] rhad <-- :
> running fetchmail ...
> This in turn gave me lovely error output:
> rhad-linux:/home/rhad # fetchmail -v --keep -a >> /var/log/fetchmail
> fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed

SMTP is a sendmail/alternate matter.
I am using postfix for this purpose, so I can't help with sendmail.

> ...
> after that I also tried to send some email (local and global) only to get
> SMTP errors.  ARGH!

Seems your problem is sendmail here. If you absolutely can't get
it working, you might try postfix instead (compiles like charm here,
documentation is understandable and needs only 3-4 variables changed
to get it going for the first run). Then make sure the daemon is in
the background waiting for work.

> (multiple pop servers for email, one outgoing mail server at the ISP, a DSL
> connection, and linux (2.4 based)) ...

similar, but not equal:
linux-2.4.x, modem, multiple pop, one ISP relay, postfix/fetchmail/mutt.
Erika Pacholleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mutters: insert vowels of last name

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