rhad wrote:

> OK, so I am trying to get mutt to work, and in the process I have now
> gotten myself utterly stuck in the hell that is known as UNIX email
> configuration.

i personally don't mind sendmail that much (i probably prefer postfix a
bit), but if your distribution (looks like you're running linux) has a
postfix package (it probably does) you may want to look into running
that instead of sendmail.  sendmail's configuration can be a bit
confusing if you're not used to it.

that said, does sendmail work properly aside from the problems you're
having with fetchmail? that is - can you send and receive mail locally
and remotely from / to the machine?

one thing at a time....

if sendmail is working properly, then you know that's not the problem;
if it's not, then don't even worry about fetchmail until you have a
working MTA.

sorry i don't have any advice about the fetchmail part, but i've never
used it. perhaps someone else can be of more help in that regard.


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