On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 12:03:19AM -0400, Joel Hammer wrote:

>  I think that chattr +A will do want you want.

Only if your mailbox is in an ext2fs partition, which is not always the

Perhaps the best solution so far is a program to be run before and after
invoking mutt, that does the new mail checking the smart way and then sets
atimes and mtimes as to make mutt show the right data.

This program can thus be a testbed for new-mail checking algorithms, and
when something satisfying has been found and tested, a proposal can be
made for an inclusion in mutt itself.


If somebody is already working at it, I'd happily join; else, I'll see
what I can do.

Bye, Enrico

GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini (Unibo) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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