On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 11:09:05PM +0200, Enrico Zini scribbled:
> It happens that if I run some useful program on my mailboxes (e.g. grep,
> glimpseindex and unison, to name a few), they appear then in mutt as not
> having new messages anymore, since all access times are incremented.
> Maybe this could be optional, and disabled by default; the problem is that
> I loose valuable informations (i.e. which mailboxes need my attention) if
> I use valuable tools, and I'd like to find a way to solve it.

I've run into this same problem with mailboxes on NFS.  I manually
use the touch command to reset the access time:
 touch -a -t "8201010101" somemailfolder
(Different version of touch have different syntax.)
This sets the access time to 1982, which is well before the current date.

So if you use things like grep in a script, you can have the script
change the times back.

                -- Phil

Philip Zeyliger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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