Enrico --
...and then Enrico Zini said...
% On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 02:47:10PM -0700, Philip Zeyliger wrote:
% > touch -a -t "8201010101" somemailfolder
% > So if you use things like grep in a script, you can have the script
% > change the times back.
% Uhm... doing this would make all mailboxes appear as they contain new
% mail, but it is easy to write a script that saves the atimes, run grep or
% glimpseindex and then restores them.
... so you get the point :-)
% This is not optimal, however, since access times can be altered by scripts
% not under my control, for example a backup script run by root.
If root's backup resets the access times then you need to have a talk
with root and have that fixed. That is bad behavior.
In answer to your original question, mutt does nto use any other method
for checking the "newness" of mbox files (I can't speak for mh or maildir
mailboxes; I think there's a ./New directory that contains arrivals but I
think the MTA then transfers those messages into the mailbox proper).
See a recent thread (including some replies from me, but I'm afraid I
can't recall the subject) regarding this same thing and suggesting a
script that might store such metadata somewhere and run along checking...
% Bye, Enrico
% --
% GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini (Unibo) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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