Hello! It happens that if I run some useful program on my mailboxes (e.g. grep, glimpseindex and unison, to name a few), they appear then in mutt as not having new messages anymore, since all access times are incremented. I understand that the access time is the standard way to check for new mail on mailbox files, but I'd really like an alternate way to do it. Perhaps an external data file could be used to hold the mtimes of the last time mutt checked or some smarter data. Maybe this could be optional, and disabled by default; the problem is that I loose valuable informations (i.e. which mailboxes need my attention) if I use valuable tools, and I'd like to find a way to solve it. Bye, Enrico -- GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini (Unibo) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>