On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 10:49:39PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> * Jonathan Rosebaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 5 May 2001 06:29:21 -0500
> -> Still doesn't work. (And, of course, I did replace your address with mine.)
> -> Here's the complete error mail I get back. The From line is generated nicely,
> -> it seems to be objecting to something else.
> erm.. this is a bit weird. Now, can you do me a favor and send a mail using
> sendmail -v from your local box, see where this rewriting / masquerading is
> happening (likely, not at your local box)
I don't have sendmail installed.
> -> Received: from mail by frodo with local (Exim 3.12 #1)
> -> id 14w092-00005y-00
> -> for skip@frodo; Sat, 05 May 2001 06:22:40 -0500
> hmmm... you are running exim still - that's what is listening at port 25.
> _Not_ sendmail, which you have configured. Remove / move the exim binary and
> set symlinks etc appropriately, please.
When did I say I had sendmail configured? I don't even have it installed.
I am running exim. If I remove it, I will have no MTA at all, and I won't be
able to send any mail.
> Or configure the masquerading in exim itself - eximconfig does it on debian -
> or /usr/exim/configure is VERY easy to edit.
How? The only options I see are for it to insert a different domain name
instead of 'frodo'. I don't have a domain name that's valid on the Internet.
I get my mail via POP boxes elsewhere, and use fetchmail to retrieve it.