Ok, I'm new to mutt, and I am very confused.
1) The machine I read mail on is called frodo. I get my mail using fetchmail.
2) My primary email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], but I also receive mail at
email addresses like [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3) Unless I specify 'my_hdr From: Jonathan Rosebaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', mutt
insists on sending my mail as skip@frodo.
4) I would like to:
a) Reply to messages with the email address that they were sent to. 'set reverse_name'
does not seem to work when coupled with the above 'my_hdr'.
b) Be able to specify which email address to use, if I don't want to use the default.
c) By default, send email as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please help me find what I need to put in .muttrc.
Thanks very much.