Jonathan Rosebaugh wrote:
> Ok, I'm new to mutt, and I am very confused.
> 1) The machine I read mail on is called frodo. I get my mail using fetchmail.
> 2) My primary email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], but I also receive mail at
>email addresses like [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 3) Unless I specify 'my_hdr From: Jonathan Rosebaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>',
>mutt insists on sending my mail as skip@frodo.
> 4) I would like to:
> a) Reply to messages with the email address that they were sent to. 'set
>reverse_name' does not seem to work when coupled with the above 'my_hdr'.
> b) Be able to specify which email address to use, if I don't want to use the default.
> c) By default, send email as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Please help me find what I need to put in .muttrc.
> Thanks very much.
First thing's first: wrapping your lines at some point less than
80 characters is a "good thing". =o)
Using the "my_hdr From:" seems to supersede the $reverse_name
variable. What you probably want to do is to not use the my_hdr
to set the "From:" address, but do this instead:
set from="[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Rosebaugh)"
set reverse_name
An easy way to be able to specify which email address to use is
to create aliases for those addresses, then you can just type in
the shorter alias, rather than the entire address.
For example (and these are just examples!)
alias email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Skip Rosebaugh)
alias plover [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Skip)
alias mnsu [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Rosebaugh)
Doing this would allow you to type "email" "plover" or "mnsu" in
order to refer to their respective addresses.
Good luck!
-- Mr. Wade
Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation