On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 05:45:40PM -0400, Mr. Wade wrote:
> Jonathan Rosebaugh wrote:
> > Ok, I'm new to mutt, and I am very confused.
> > 1) The machine I read mail on is called frodo. I get my mail using
> > fetchmail.
> > 2) My primary email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], but I also receive
> > mail at email addresses like [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
> > 3) Unless I specify
> > 'my_hdr From: Jonathan Rosebaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', mutt insists
> > on sending my mail as skip@frodo.
> > 4) I would like to:
> > a) Reply to messages with the email address that they were sent to.
> > 'set reverse_name' does not seem to work when coupled with the above
> > 'my_hdr'.
> > b) Be able to specify which email address to use, if I don't want to use
> > the default.
> > c) By default, send email as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Please help me find what I need to put in .muttrc.
> > Thanks very much.
> First thing's first: wrapping your lines at some point less than
> 80 characters is a "good thing". =o)
> Using the "my_hdr From:" seems to supersede the $reverse_name
> variable. What you probably want to do is to not use the my_hdr
> to set the "From:" address, but do this instead:
> set from="[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Rosebaugh)"
> set reverse_name
I tried this, and mutt still didn't work. It sent mail containing the following
header: From: "Jonathan Rosebaugh,,," <skip@frodo>
My email transport handled it nicely, but it couldn't deliver it properly,
since the SMTP server on the other end had no concept of frodo.
> An easy way to be able to specify which email address to use is
> to create aliases for those addresses, then you can just type in
> the shorter alias, rather than the entire address.
> For example (and these are just examples!)
> alias email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Skip Rosebaugh)
> alias plover [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Skip)
> alias mnsu [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Rosebaugh)
> Doing this would allow you to type "email" "plover" or "mnsu" in
> order to refer to their respective addresses.
So, where would I refer to them? By typing 'From: plover' at the top of
a particular message?
> Good luck!
> -- Mr. Wade
Not good enough, apparently.
Please continue to help.
Jonathan Rosebaugh