Dirk Laurie wrote: > signs to show that a line break was made by the viewer. However, when printing or quoting (in a reply) these convenient line breaks are > gone, and the result looks terrible. Can I persuade mutt to use the viewer-formatted version instead of the original when printing or > quoting? If you edit your mails with vim, you can easily reformat the quoted lines by the "gq{motion}" command. E.g. "gqj" will format the current line and places the cursor in the next line. Then proceed with the "." command. Or just type "gqG" which will reformat every line until the end. Yes, I have intentionally used overlength lines, such that you can check it out. Have fun. ;-) Best regards - Juergen -- Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net
- Word-wrap when printing and quoting Dirk Laurie
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quoting Suresh Ramasubramanian
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quoting Jason Helfman
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quoting Michael P. Soulier
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quoting Jürgen Salk
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quoting Dirk Laurie
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quotin... Thomas E. Dickey
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quotin... Michael P. Soulier
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quotin... David Champion
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and qu... rex
- Re: Word-wrap when printing a... Joe Philipps
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quotin... Justin R. Miller
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quotin... David
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quoting Ken Weingold
- Re: Word-wrap when printing and quotin... Zach Thompson