I realize this is drifting from the original question, but setting
textwidth=77 in vim will activate word-wrapping as you compose the
message (wraps at 77 chars in this case). This feature is useful if
you compose in a wide terminal, or if you're tired of hitting <enter>
at the end of each line...
Ken Weingold said:
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2001, Jürgen Salk wrote:
> > If you edit your mails with vim, you can easily reformat the quoted
> > lines by the "gq{motion}" command. E.g. "gqj" will format the
> > current line and places the cursor in the next line. Then proceed
> > with the "." command. Or just type "gqG" which will reformat every
> > line until the end.
> Yeah, one of my favorite and most used functions of vim for email. I
> would be lost without it. Q} is one of my most used keystroke combos.
> I still keep the old (?) use of Q instead of gq.
> Btw, I reformatted your extra long lines. ;-)
> -Ken
> --