On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Myrddin wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 07:56:56AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> > % pine-like url viewing? Moving around in the message itself and spawning a
> > % browser. If not, is there a better way to get an URL with some context.
> >
> > Aha -- you want more than just the URL, then, because of "deficiencies" in
> > the /. mail message, right? In that case, you'll want to just pump your
> > message through a browser that can pick up the plaintext URLs (though,
> > since you're in a tough boat anyway, you might see if /. offers an HTML
> > mail version and get it instead). Try w3m and links, two text-mode
> > browsers that seem to be fairly capable.
> BTW, it's lynx, not links. Sounds like a nitpick, but if the poor guy was
> going to do a search on 'links', it wouldn't get him very far.
well, there is a browser named 'links' (which in this instance doesn't
appear to offer any advantage over 'lynx'). It's a badly chosen name, agreed.