On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 09:29:09PM -0700, Shane Wegner wrote:

> I am wondering if there is any more information on viewing URLs in mutt then
> is contained in the manual.  The problem I have quite often is that spawning
> urlview is not neirly as flexable as I'd like it to be.


> If I hit ctrl+b (spawn urlview) on a post like this, it gives me a nice yet
> utterly meaningless set of URLs.  Is there any feature which allows
> pine-like url viewing?  Moving around in the message itself and spawning a
> browser.  If not, is there a better way to get an URL with some context.

I use the w3m browser instead of urlview for this.  It works great.
Simply pipe your message from slashdot to w3m, which displays the full
text of the message, then type a colon (:).  This will cause w3m to
search the text for strings that look like URLs and treat them as
anchors.  Move the cursor to the anchor/link of interest and hit Enter,
which will cause w3m to open that URL.  If you don't like using w3m as a
browser, you can configure it to use a different browser to open URLs.

I regularly receive a list of articles from The Register as you do from
slashdot, so I use display-hooks to automatically set the pager to w3m
for these messages:

    display-hook ~A                         'set pager="less -rf"'
    display-hook '~s "the register update"' 'set pager="w3m"'

I think display-hooks are only available as a patch to 1.2.  The patch
was posted to this list (or the mutt-dev list) earlier this year.

How did you get slashdot to send you a list of articles?  I've searched
the site for such a feature but couldn't find it.


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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