And Mikko Hänninen said....

> What *does* sSMTP use as the envelope sender address in case the From
> header is present, shouldn't it use the address from the From header?
> If so, then it should be the exact same behaviour of $envelope_from..
> But obviously this isn't happening.

Trying your suggestions I know the exact problem now. ssmtp is is creating 
the envelope_from using <user>@<hostname> which is not my alternate address

> > Since the Mutt manual states that 'envelope_from' is sent to sendmail 
> > via the -f flag, this would explain why the envelope is not being written as 
> > my alternate address. 
> Right.
> You can have Mutt not create a From header by unsetting $use_from.

See above, when I do this ssmtp creates the from address and envelope_from 
using <user>@<hostname>, arggggggggggggg!

> I recommend that instead of switching from sSMTP to sendmail, switch to
> another dialup/offline MTA, such as MasqMail or nullmailer.  I don't
> know if either of those fully support -f, but I would imagine they do
> (especially MasqMail should, based on the name...).  Pointers at
> .

Next step, I'll try one tonight. If it fails I'm off to (now 
where's that m4 file I built last summer?)


"On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at
 the Dawn of Victory, sat down to wait, and waiting -- died"                           

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