Maybe I just have a few bad links, but it seems like the man pages, manual, 
sample *rc files, and assorted tutorials don't jive. Have there been a lot 
of recent changes to mutt? (I'm a new user)

Any pointers to a current manual? The one I have came from the webiste I 
believe and is dated Apr 1998. Aha, /usr/local/docs/mutt/html, I'll get 
reading....... then I'll check into everyones suggestions.



And Mikko Hänninen said....

> > Hmmmm, checked the man page, I'll check again. 
> Reading the manual is probably more useful than just the man pages.
> Regards,
> Mikko
> -- 

"On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at
 the Dawn of Victory, sat down to wait, and waiting -- died"                           

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