I believe I know my problem now. I use ssmtp to send my mail from my laptop
to my mail server. The ssmtp man page states that the -f flag is only
honored *if* the 'From:' field in the e-mail header is not present.
Since the Mutt manual states that 'envelope_from' is sent to sendmail
via the -f flag, this would explain why the envelope is not being written as
my alternate address.
Currently, ssmtp ignores the 'envelope_from' field because the 'From:' field
is always included in the mail header from Mutt. This leaves me with little
options, switch to sendmail (kinda overkill for a laptop), or find a way to
remove the 'From;" field completely when Mutt sends mail.
Investigating reversaliases next................
And Mikko Hänninen said....
> DAve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 27 Jul 2000:
> > Oops, once I
> >
> > set envelope_from=yes
> >
> > mutt began to ignore my
> >
> > set from='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> >
> > line. I tried switching the lines to see if it
> > made a differnence which was parsed first and it didn't.
> That's very strange. $envelope_from shouldn't care how the From address
> came to be what it is, it should just grab it from the email at sending
> time (hence, it will for example use some manually-given address). And
> $from certainly shouldn't care about $envelope_from at all.
> So the behaviour you're seeing certainly isn't what I would expect. I
> don't have the time right now to see if I can duplicate it...
> Since you presumably don't need $reverse_name, you could go with using
> my_hdr From: Your Name <your@address>
> instead of just specifying $from. This ought to work for sure, and at
> least you can experiment with it.
> > Apparently the root of my question is this. How do I go about sending and
> > recieving e-mail from two accounts on the same hardware, using mutt, easily.
> > ( I think two muttrc files is easy, but I'm open to suggestions)
> I think what you're doing so far is good. It shouldn't require anything
> else except changing the From header and using $envelope_from (and
> possibly also using different signature files etc.)
> > Hmmmm, checked the man page, I'll check again.
> Reading the manual is probably more useful than just the man pages.
> Regards,
> Mikko
> --
> // Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu // [EMAIL PROTECTED] // http://www.iki.fi/wiz/
> // The Corrs list maintainer // net.freak // DALnet IRC operator /
> // Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
> I'm all for computer dating, but I wouldn't want one to marry my sister.
"On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at
the Dawn of Victory, sat down to wait, and waiting -- died"