Hello List,
I have RTFM, several sample .muttrcs including Sven's and Gabe's, the faq and the gnu
privacy handbook and I am stumped. I want to autoview and decrypt the content of
messages. I have tried every entry I can think of in .mailcap and .muttrc to try to
autoview octet-stream using the gpg command. The closest I have got is a message to
effect you need a passphrase to unlock the secret key etc; enter passphrase. But the
screen is frozen and will not accept any input. I am having to enter
/home/dennis/Mail/inbox and save the message elsewhere before I can decrypt it, which
ridiculous. Can someone put me out of my misery, please.
Dennis Robertson 2/2 Sylvia Street NOOSAVILLE QLD 4566
Phone: 61 7 54742343 Mob: 0419 535539
PGP signature