My muttrc has this format for the "index_format"

set index_format="%3C%?M?+& ?%Z %[%b %d] %-16.16F [%-9.9O] %-33.33s (%4l)"

and here's a typical message that appears in my "sent" mbox

 11   L Jul 17 Hardy Merrill    [merrill  ] Fwd: Re: examples

I'd like to see the "recipient" name, as opposed to my name
for all the messages in my "sent" mailbox - according to the
explanation of "index_format", 

###      %F      author name, or recipient name if the message is from you

"%F" should give display the *recipient* name if the message
is *from* me.  All the messages in my "sent" box are from me -
but my name is still displayed, instead of the recipient's
name which is what I want to see there.  Is the problem that
mutt can't tell that the message is from me?  Do I need to set
something else?


Hardy Merrill
Mission Critical Linux, LLC

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