On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 08:18:41AM -0600, Charles Curley wrote:
> I suspect that mutt is spawning gpg, which is then hanging waiting for
> input at SDTIN. Have you included the gpg.rc file into your .muttrc, as
> follows:
> source ~/gpg.rc
> The plain vanilla gpg.rc works just fine out of the box. I have since
> added a few tweaks to it, but I don't think any of my tweaks were for
> snything like this.
Thanks. I'm sorry I should have added I'm using vanilla gpg.rc, correctly sourced. To
expand, when I open an encrypted message I see a series of attachments (message body,
signature etc.) There is no attempt to open any of them automatically or to ask for my
passphrase etc. I see, for example:
[-- Attachment #3: ATT00005.dat --]
[-- Type: application/octet-stream. Encoding: 7 bit. Size 2.0K --]
[-- application/octet-stream is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --]
When I open that attachment I see:
(pgp text) garbage garbage garbage etc
and in the bottom of the console "no matching mailcap entry found. viewing as text."
What mailcap entry or entries should I have to make gnupg fully functional in mutt?
I have an auto_view entry in .muttrc and, if so, what should it be? In essence, what
do I
need to do to be prompted for a passphrase to decrypt an encrypted message when I open
one. Is this normal behaviour for mutt or am I expecting too much? Do I need to
gnupg perhaps?
Thanks for your time. None of this info is in the documentation.
Dennis Robertson 2/2 Sylvia Street NOOSAVILLE QLD 4566
Phone: 61 7 54742343 Mob: 0419 535539