On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 02:17:19PM -0400, David T-G muttered:
-> Charles --
-> ...and then Charles Curley said...
-> % On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 04:26:49PM +0100, Lars Hecking wrote:
-> % ->
-> % -> > doc/manual.txt may be there, but for reading on line and searching it is
-> % -> > nearly useless.
-> % ->
-> % -> Not true. Get a decent text viewer. For instance less.
-> %
-> % Lars, it comes across as a bit arrogant to say, if you don't like the way
-> % we do things, then change the way you do things.
-> I admit that the answer was a little terse, but it's not entirely
-> unfounded. You didn't tell everyone up front that you were particularly
-> tied to emacs (and I'll even try to not start a religious war!) so the
-> logical assumption was simply that you were throwing any tool handy, like
-> vi, at the file. It wasn't meant to be edited, though, but just read, so
-> just read it with a reader and keep things simple.
You are right, I did get a bit hot under the collar there. My apologies to
-> % -> > including the manual as html?
-> % ->
-> % -> The html manual i_s_ included.
-> %
-> % Where?
-> I just have to say that this had me laughing pretty hard. That darned
-> web thingy has just polluted everything; here you want something simple
-> that can be viewed with a text editor, and you ask for an html version??
-> [Why, back in *my* day, we had to dial up our uucp connection and
-> download the newsfeed if we wanted to get files, and we had to use the
-> letter 'o' because zero hadn't been invented yet... ;-]
After, of course, you bootstrapped your computer with toggle switches and
little blinking lights. Why, I remember when a six digit seven segment
display and a hex keypad was an improvement. (KIM I) Wrote my own keyboard
driver, I did.
But then I worked on one of the earliest silicon based computers, about 3
thousand years ago, near what is today Salisbury, England.
jihad Honduras FBI nuclear AK-47 fissionable CIA Marxist
counter-intelligence explosion arrangements Delta Force Semtex Treasury
-- C^2
No windows were crashed in the making of this email.
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