Is the mutt-users list still alive? I have received no post since the one referenced above. Someone please send an answer directly to me. -- (T.) Michael Sanders internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Physics Department URL: University of Michigan phone: 734/936-0799 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120 FAX: 734/764-6843
- mutt & y2k Thomas Roessler
- Re: mutt & y2k Thomas Ribbrock
- Y100 (was: mutt & y2k) Martin Schröder
- Re: Y100 (was: mutt & y2k) Vincent Lefevre
- Re: Y100 (was: mutt & y2k) Byrial Jensen
- Re: Y100 (was: mutt & y2k) Thomas Roessler
- Re: mutt & y2k Michael Sanders
- Re: mutt & y2k David T-G