Sorry, a bit off topic, but just wondering...
So why mutt implements a pop3 protocol? Why do we need this when we have
Jeremy Blosser [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Mikko Hänninen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > Jeremy Blosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 07 Oct 1999:
> > > AFAIK both things you mention can be dealt with using a minimal MTA that
> > > just acts as a forwarder, such as sSMTP. All you really have to do to
> > > configure it is set the remote mailhub's hostname.
> >
> > So how large is sSMTP anyway? Would it be possible to include it with
> > mutt? Seems a bit of waste as not everyone needs it, yes, but then
> > again if it's small and if some significant number of people would
> > benefit from it, then it might be worthwhile.
> I'm sure a significant number of newbies also don't have a terminal program
> they like and may not have a working terminal library (ncurses/slang) and
> lynx for HTML mails and procmail and heck they might not even have a
> working Unix distribution so should we include that too? And don't forget
> any libraries each of those things depends on...
> > At the very least, shouldn't sSMTP be linked from somewhere like
> > on the mutt site? (And urlview too,
> > while we're at it...) At the moment, the link can be found at the very
> > bottom of, which isn't very promiment.
> It's also indirectly mentioned at the top of that page (in the index for
> the rest of the page). I think it's more likely to get lost on the
> download page, which is already huge with mirrors. I'm certainly not going
> to put it at the top of that page or anything... 99% of the people that go
> there want to download Mutt, not something else.
> If you're this concerned about it, write an entry for the FAQ and submit it
> to Felix. That's the first place people should be looking for a question
> they don't find answered after they read the manual.
> --
> Jeremy Blosser | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> -----------------+-------------------------+------------------------------
> "If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds
Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1 ___ _ _____
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