> > > Sorry, a bit off topic, but just wondering...
> > >
> > > So why mutt implements a pop3 protocol? Why do we need this when we have
> > > fetchmail?
> > >
> >
> > ...and why have a pager while we have more and less.
> Heck, at this rate, why should mutt implement mail when we have
> /usr/bin/mail?
:) Yup, indeed. Why even use computers when we've got a life to live?
But I think the best way to determine if something goes in is whether
it adds something to the program which integrates _much_ better than
when used seperately. E.g. I don't want to to press 'q' to quit less
and I want to be able to press 'r' to reply immediately when seeing a
message: an integrated viewer adds something. Likewise, IMAP supports
adds something.
And no, I don't think mail is handled good enough by /usr/bin/mail to
handle my mail. With enough hooks and help applications, it might
become what mutt is right now: the best mailer [for me, at least].
Rutger Nijlunsing, rutger @ null.net ----------------------------- Linux! --
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