On Don, 09 Sep 1999, Telsa wrote:
> > Marco Giardini dijo:
> > > Who can please let me have a .muttrc file to use with these release?
> ...and don't be put off by the huge size of them :)

A lot of people asked for a configuration tool or
muttrc´s commented in german language, i tried to give
those mutt users little help :-)

You can find a little php3-script which generates a 
muttrc based on the sample muttrc´s at www.mutt.org
It´s not more than a quick hack but maybe it will
be usefull for some people. 

I would be happy if some of the more experienced german
users would check the output, explanations, etc. for 
major mistakes. 

Please tell me what you think about it. 

Ciao, Bjørn

        o_)   Bjoern Buerger        http://bbuerger.home.pages.de
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--/---\-/(/-' Linux  User  Group  Braunschweig  (LUG - BS)
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