On 09/Sep/1999, Telsa wrote:
> What kind of Linux system do you (the original poster) have? I have
> Red Hat 6.0 and there is a default muttrc in /etc/Muttrc. Mutt reads
/etc/Muttrc? :-m Funny, I haven't realized I had one %-)
> Doesn't mutt come with a sample muttrc, then? If not, then rather
In my case (Debian), mutt comes with a sample "general" muttrc, and
besides two muttrcs with Mush and Pine key-bindings, and a "pgp-macros" file.
And the /etc/Muttrc which I just found out :-) I don't know where did the
package maintainer get this muttrc (I suppose it's his personal muttrc), I
always thought it came with every package in every distribution :-m
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