On 2001-08-30 15:27:08 +0100, Ailbhe Leamy wrote: >Now *that's* service. Thanks. >"but all free software is so unreliable!" "Shyeah. Right." Hey, I can also be horribly slow in applying patches and fixing things. You were just lucky. :-> -- Thomas Roessler http://log.does-not-exist.org/
- Re: muttrc Bjoern Buerger
- Re: muttrc Jeremy Blosser
- Re: muttrc Fairlight
- Re: muttrc Roberto Suarez Soto
- muttrc Ailbhe Leamy
- Re: muttrc Christoph Maurer
- Re: muttrc Ailbhe Leamy
- Re: muttrc Christoph Maurer
- Re: muttrc Thomas Roessler
- Re: muttrc Ailbhe Leamy
- Thomas Roessler