On Sat, Sep 04, 1999 at 05:57:00PM +0200, J Horacio MG blurted:
> Fairlight dijo:
> > On Sat, Sep 04, 1999 at 10:15:21AM +0200, J Horacio MG blurted:
> > > http://www.mutt.org is «the mother of all sites» ... well, as far as
> > > mutt goes. There should be a link (in user's pages? or download?) to
> > > where the .rpm's are located.
> >
> > So why do the 1/2 symbol and the top-right-double-frame symbol show up in
> > that email...
> I guess the "1/2" symbol corresponds to the "Ntilde" (does it appear in
> my signature, or elsewhere?), whereas what the other symbol (does it
> show once or twice?) should look like a couple of small "less than" and
> "greater than" symbols, our equivalent to first-instance double quotes.
The 1/2 is quoted up there above...the character preceding "the mother of".
And after "all sites" is just one character...it's the top-right corner of
the DOS charset's double-outline box.
> I wasn't aware they would bother at all (I thought they could be read by
> anyone using iso8859-1). As for the "N" with the tilde on top, well...
> being as it is at the bottom of the message, I presumed it wouldn't be
> a hassle for anyone.
Nah, not a hassle...a curiosity...I can't figure out why I'm using the same
charset in mutt, but it displays oddly. Unless mutt doesn't ACTUALLY
invoke the charset on the linux console, and I would have to do that with
setfont or something.
Anyone clueful on this?
> My apologies, and please let me know if it looks ok now.
[~N] in .sig now...and you needn't have redone it. No apologies
needed...I'm probably just not understanding how mutt/linux/charsets all
interact, and would like someone to briefly explain to me where I'm going
wrong. :)
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