On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 11:59:55AM +0100, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> Do you mean you would like mutt to use TOP x 0 to get just the headers
> in order to display the index, and to fetch a body (with RETR x, or,
> preferably, with TOP x 99999999, as fetchmail does) only when you ask
> to look at that particular message?
> I rather like the sound of that. It's something you couldn't do with
> fetchmail, and, if you don't store anything locally, you're hardly
> usurping the role of a MDA.
Not quite, all the Unix MUA implementations of this that I've seen
actually download all the messages to the MUA when you 'open' the
folder but they're not deleted from the POP3 server. You can view
all the messages as you would with a local folder. If you then delete
any of the messages in the folder they are deleted from the POP3
server (usually when you close the folder).
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