On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 05:50:35PM -0500, Jeff Taylor blurted:
> I think this depends on your Mail Transfer Agent (MTA), not the Mail
> User Agent (MUA). I use Mutt and qmail. I tell qmail where/how to
> send e-mail. Mutt just dumps it to the SMTP server. I am currently
> using four different hosts for outgoing mail with my ISP being the
> default.
I took it to mean he wants to have -no- MTA at all and just redirect all
outbound mail to another server's MTA (a-la Outlook, Netscape, etc). I can
see why this might be desirable, however a look through the manual left me
clueless as to how to accomplish it. I don't think the feature exists. If
it -does- exist, the sendmail variable section in the manual should be
changed to crossreference to it, IMHO. :)
The answer seems to be a minimalistic need to have your own local MTA, set
the sendmail variable correctly for it, and configure your MTA to use
whatever host as a "smart relay".
> HTH,
> Jeff
> >
> > I want to use outgoing mail server not `local host'.
> > How can I do?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dong-gyoo
> >
> > --
> >
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