On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 11:00:14PM -0500, Jeremy Blosser blurted:
> There is, ssmtp:
> ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/mail/mta/ssmtp-2.33.tar.gz
Cool...*makes notes for other users down the line*
> It does not exist, because implementing these things in Mutt would require
> making Mutt a minimalist MTA, and Mutt is not an MTA, it is an MUA. Better
> to leave this functinality in another (user specified) program.
Erm....two comments, diametrically opposed:
1) That philosophy is a good one, but implimenting POP3 and IMAP flies in
the face of it, making Mutt a minimalist MDA, in addition to an MUA.
Not a complaint, but an observation. Technically, either both should
be supported minimally, or neither, IMHO.
2) I'm glad at least that the design goals are to keep things trim and to
the point...I hate bloat like Communicator, et al that want to be
everything. Relating back to #1, I'd rather see POP/IMAP stripped
out if it came to a choice, but since it's already there... :)
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