Chris Green:

> Well I would view POP3 as a [very] cut down IMAP.  *Sensible* MUAs
> implement POP3 as a mailbox which is left on the server, i.e. they
> just show the E-Mails in the MUA without deleting them from the server.
> They only delete the mail from the POP3 mailbox if the user explictly
> deletes a message.  So from the user's point of view it looks just like
> an ordinary mail folder.
> Most Unix MUAs that implement POP3 do it this way (tkrat, Mahogany,
> xcmail, xfmail) but for some reason I have yet to find a Windows one
> that does (except the Mahogany port of course).
> If mutt was rather cleverer on this front then I wouldn't be looking
> for other MUAs at the moment.  I'll expand on this in another message!

Do you mean you would like mutt to use TOP x 0 to get just the headers
in order to display the index, and to fetch a body (with RETR x, or,
preferably, with TOP x 99999999, as fetchmail does) only when you ask
to look at that particular message?

I rather like the sound of that. It's something you couldn't do with
fetchmail, and, if you don't store anything locally, you're hardly
usurping the role of a MDA.


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