On Mon, Aug 16, 1999 at 01:53:47AM +0200, Morten Bo Johansen wrote:

> Is there any editor (besides emacs, which I don't want to use) that 
> will format quotes, containing longer_than_allowed line lengths, 
> neatly - curtailing the lines to a designated line wrap and inserting 
> missing quote markers. I believe that Pine has a ctrl-j option to do this. 
> Can this be obtained with mutt + an editor? Some slang macro for Jed, maybe?

Using vim, you can add this mapping to your .vimrc:

" reformat paragraph to textwidth
imap <C-J> <c-o>gqap
map  <C-J> gqap

It will emulate the behavior of Crtl-J in pico (pine).  vim does an
excellent job of reformating quoted text.

Jon Parise ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  .  Rochester Inst. of Technology
http://www.pobox.com/~parise/  :  Computer Science House Member

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