Ralf Hildebrandt dixit:
~> > > I've been using mutt for 3 months and I like it very much. Now my
~> > > institution forbids us to use Linux computers as mail servers in
~> > > order to prevent bulk mailing.
~> First Law of System Requirements:
~>    "Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about..."
~> And that seems to be the cause in your institution. 

I believe a guy from the Debian project administers at least one server
at the U.P.M. (where his mail came from), so I'm pretty sure this is not
the case.

Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised if the U.P.M. was using NT
boxes, since M$ has been long knocking hard at University places.  But
still, U.P.M. is one stronghold of Linux in Spain.

Valencia - ESPAŅA

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