On 1999-06-29 08:00:18 +0000, Fernando Blasco wrote:

> I've been using mutt for 3 months and I like it very much. Now my
> institution forbids us to use Linux computers as mail servers in
> order to prevent bulk mailing.

Bulk mailing has _nothing_ at all to do with the underlying
operating system, but with a MUA's configuration.

If your institution is afraid of internal private mail servers, they
should rather block port 25 for all except a few well known machines
at their gateway...  Just my EUR 0.02.

> I'd like continue using mutt, but as far as I know, it uses
> sendmail, which needs to have open port 50. They suggest using

Port 25.

> Netscape or something similar, which operates without using
> sendmail.

You have several possibilities:

- Continue to run sendmail and just block incoming connections to
  port 25 at the packet filter level.  See the manual page for
  ipfwadm or ipchains.

- Run sendmail without the -bd command line switch, so it doesn't
  listen to port 25.

- Install ssmtp as a sendmail replacement.  It's quite easy to
  configure and instal, and it's available from any debian site.

- Ask your institution to revise their mail server policy.

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