On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 08:00:18AM +0000, Fernando Blasco wrote:
> Hello, I'm a new subscriber of this list.
> I've been using mutt for 3 months and I like it very much. Now my
> institution forbids us to use Linux computers as mail servers in
> order to prevent bulk mailing.
> I'd like continue using mutt, but as far as I know, it uses sendmail,
> which needs to have open port 50. They suggest using Netscape or something
> similar, which operates without using sendmail.
> Anyone can help me? I think there is a way to configure mutt for making
> a telnet to the mail server and put the mail on it.
Sendmail only needs the open port for mail comming to your machine (I
For outgoing mail it does not need a open port.
So you could disable sendmail going into listening mode.
(Look at the rc.* scripts for that).
Only leaves you with the problem of incomming email... you could
use pop for that I guess.
Have fun,
Frans Gumpu Slothouber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Key: http://gumpu.student.utwente.nl/~gumpu/key.txt