Hi Jonathan.

Could you give me some valid adb command to print the logs of only GC info
of a particular message to a txt file? adb logcat > test.txt is too general.
I know the info is out there but since it's not an urgent matter I thought I

Also is there any adb command that can give me some credible RAM usage of a
particular appliaction?

And lastly, I understand that the information given by device managers of
different launcher applications are probably not the most sophisticated
diagnosing tools, however they give some point of refference. For instance,
Power Amp is pretty extensive application and yet it only shows 15 MB of RAM
in that particular monitor. Another applications like ThinkFree, QuickPick,
ES File Explorer, or exDialer show values between 8 and 15 MB of usage.

While our application takes on start(so first screen alone) 30MB which is
simple background with couple images on it, couple textview controls, couple
editText controls and couple buttons (to be fair this screen shows after one
pseudo activity that is used as sort of splashscreen switcher - 3 full
background images in total, and also a 15 sec monologue in the background). 

I also would understand the argument if it was only our application, but the
facebook example that is found within the xamarin examples, and that
contains 1 simple screen at the start with only 1 button takes 11 MB.

I understand these values can be off in general, but they all combined can
show (I think) the relation picture of how much applications take of Ram in
relation to others, don't they?

If I'm completely off and wrong, I would appriciate some clarification.


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