On May 14, 2012, at 1:49 PM, zdman wrote:
> The project(udderchaosmonodroid) throwing the error does not reference 
> Lidgren.Network.Android.  It references MonoGame.Framework.Android which 
> references Lidgren.Network.Android.  udderchaosmonodroid does not use 
> lidgren.network.android or any of the methods in monogame that use it.

A Mono for Android application project must reference the closure of all 
referenced assemblies/projects. If your application uses 
MonoGame.Framework.Android, and MonoGame.Framework.Android requires 
Lidgren.Network.Android, then your application must also reference 

The reason for this is that Mono for Android uses the application assembly & 
project references to determine which assemblies to include into the .apk. We 
don't implicitly include additional assemblies.

 - Jon

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