On May 11, 2012, at 7:30 PM, zdman wrote:
> I updated to 4.2.0 and ran into an issue with System.Drawing.Size being 
> defined in Mono.Android and OpenTK.

It shouldn't only be in Mono.Android.dll, not OpenTK.dll or OpenTK-1.0.dll in 
4.2.0 and later.

> With 4.2.1, I'm still getting the same reference issue I posted about before.

This one?

> Error 49      Exception while loading assemblies: 
> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load assembly 
> 'Lidgren.Network.Android, Version=2011.3.12.0, Culture=neutral, 
> PublicKeyToken='. Perhaps it doesn't exist in the Mono for Android profile?
> File name: 'Lidgren.Network.Android.dll'

What does your .csproj contain? Is it a fully-qualified assembly name (FQAN):

        <Reference Include="Lidgren.Network.Android, Version=2011.3.12.0, 
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=" />

or an assembly path:

        <Reference Include="Lidgren.Network.Android">

or is it an actual Project Reference:

        <ProjectReference Include="Path\To\Library.csproj">

I don't believe that FQAN's are supported (as we don't know which directories 
to search within). Assembly paths should work in 4.2.0+, as should project 

 - Jon

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