Hi Thomas & Ilya,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working through tidying up permissions 
conflicts that have been caused by the fact that PAUSE now consider package 
names case insensitively (due to case-insensitive filesystems, as on Windows 
and MacOS X). PAUSE doesn’t let these situations occur now, but we have some 
historical cases. I’m sorting these out so that we don’t need code in the 
toolchain for dealing with permissions conflicts.

Thomas (THOGEE) has first-come permissions on MP3::TAG::ID3v1 (which was 
released as part of tagged 0.1 in 2000), and on MP3::Tag::ID3v1 (which was 
released as part of MP3-Tag 1.13 by ILYAZ in September 2016). Ilya has co-maint 
on both packages.

I suspect that the right way to resolve this is:
drop all your permissions on MP3::TAG::ID3v1
delete the tagged-0.1 release from Thomas’s author directory, just so there’s 
no chance someone could pick up the wrong module

Are you happy with this, and if so, are you happy for me to go ahead and do the 


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