Hi Philip, I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working through tidying up permissions conflicts that have been caused by the fact that PAUSE now consider package names case insensitively (due to case-insensitive filesystems, as on Windows and MacOS X). PAUSE doesn’t let these situations occur now, but we have some historical cases. I’m sorting these out so that we don’t need code in the toolchain for dealing with permissions conflicts.
You have first-come permissions on File::ShareDir::Install, which on CPAN in File-ShareDir-Install. ETHER has co-maint on it, and did the most recent release, so I’ve copied her on this email. You two have the same permissions on File::Sharedir::Install (difference case of ShareDir vs Sharedir). These permissions are conflicting now, but since they’re currently assigned to the same people, they’re not really causing an issue. But they could in the future. To resolve this I’d like to drop all permissions on File::Sharedir::Install, the variant of the package that’s no longer being used. Are you ok with me dropping the permissions? Cheers, Neil